Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reunion Party

Sunday night was a lot of fun. The five families returned from the various provinces they had visited to get their babies and we all got reacquainted. The room for the party was decorated with hundreds of photos of past groups and with holiday cards sent to Norman by families he has helped. It was fun to see all the babies and to see the cute kids they had grown up to be.

I didn't know this before but Norman has had a number of celebrity clients, including Meg Ryan, Kathy Bates and Dan Marino. From his past work with the US Consulate he has cool pictures of him on the USS Kitty Hawk, with Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

My favorite part of the night was watching the stoic and serious Norman play bartender with a random short order cook hat on. He and our guide Martin led the way when it came to shots of Chinese rice wine. Martin claims his record is 26 shots and I believe him. I don't think anyone in our group will challenge that...